Mercy Health Love County - News

Medicare Prescription Volunteer Does Plan Searches

Posted on Friday, October 9th, 2015


Open enrollment for Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans takes place October 15-December 7.

Participants may changes plans during open enrollment. The change will go into effect with prescriptions purchased on and after January 1, 2016.

Don Sessions, a certified volunteer enroller, is standing by to assist participants conduct a plan search for the lowest cost plan for their prescription drugs. Sessions may be contacted by calling (580) 276-2333.

Last year at this time, the volunteer service helped 281 mostly Love County recurring participants. Of that number, 167 (59%)needed to change plans to realize as much or more in savings for 2015.

For the 167 who changed plans, the total savings compared to their previous plan, was $267,465. The average savings was $1,578 per person. The median savings was $424.

For 2016, there will be 24 prescription drug plans, old and new, serving Oklahoma, Sessions said.

He singled out the Cigna Health Spring Secure Extra plan as one that is dramatically increasing its monthly premium and deductible over 2015 levels.

He said he advised participants in Cigna and all other plans to do a plan search in case their insurer is charging more for premiums and co-pays or dropping coverage of certain drugs. Also, the participant's drug list may have changed during the year.

Sessions, a retired CPA living at Falconhead, is certified as a volunteer enroller through the State Insurance Department's senior health insurance counseling program. He is sponsored by Mercy Health/Love County Hospital.

There is no charge for his services. They are offered throughout the year to new participants to Medicare or to extra-help participants, who may make plan changes at any time. He conducts searches through the Medicare website's "Plan Finder" tool.

Marietta Pharmacy offers meeting space for Sessions to go over search results with participants.