911 Election in Love County, Dec. 8, 2009
E911 Approved by Wide Margin
Love County voters heavily endorsed enhanced 911 in a county-wide election Tuesday, Dec. 8. They approved telephone service fees on both landline and cellphone monthly bills by an 89.9% margin. A total of 1,079 votes were cast, representing about 20% of registered voters. Here are the results:
Proposition 1 - Landline Telephone Service Fees of 15% of base connection rate:
For the proposition - 971
Against the proposition - 108
Proposition 2 - Cellphone Service Fees of $0.50 per month:
For the proposition - 966
Against the proposition 108
Fees are expected to begin to be assessed in 45-60 days. The County Commissioners must notify telephone companies to begin collections. Fees will be used to upgrade the existing 911 system as described below. The process is expected to take three years, with most of the first two years taken up with mapping and addressing roads, streets, and structures throughout the county.
Under terms governing such fees, the County Commissioners must appoint an E911 Board and an E911 Coordinator to oversee the process.
Basic 911 Equipment
Caller to 911 must be able
to state location and driving directions.
Enhanced 911 Equipment
Caller's name, 911 address, and location pop up on a computer screen automatically when
the call is answered. On another screen, the dispatcher sees the road and map network leading
to the caller's location, which will be marked by a red icon.The dispatcher will be able to direct
emergency vehicles succinctly and accurately to the scene.
Residents Can Support a Ballot
To Modernize 911 Services in Love County
Two items will be on the ballot on Dec. 8. A positive vote on both proposals is needed to upgrade our Basic 911 answering and provide computerized mapping to our dispatchers. The purpose of the improvements is to install technology that will enable the dispatcher to view the caller's map location and send help to the caller, even if the caller is not able to tell the dispatcher where they are.
Currently, callers to Basic 911 must be able to speak to the dispatcher and give their location or driving directions in order to receive emergency help. This is time-consuming and, often, impossible, resulting in dangerous delays in sending medical, fire, and law enforcement assistance to the scene.
1. Landline E-911. A positive vote on landline 911 will result in a maximum 15% service fee on landline phone bills to cover the expense of upgrading landline response technology and obtaining the 911 address of homes and businesses in our county. The 15% service fee will be about $2.50 per month on residential landlines and about $5.50 per month on business landlines.
2. Wireless E-911. A positive vote on wireless 911 will result in a service fee of $.50 per month on cell phone bills to cover the expense of improving 911 system technology to handle emergency calls from cell phones.
Links to Latest Articles and Broadcasts About Love County E-911 Election
911 Fact Sheet
Telephone Service Fees For E-911
KXII Covers Marietta Public Meeting
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Letter to the Editor From Deer Attack Victim
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Emergency Responders Calling for Public Meetings
Installing Enhanced 911 May Take 3 Years
Love County Lagging in Life-Saving 911 Response
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Voters to Decide on E911 System
KXII Feature on Love County Election
More About 911 in Oklahoma
Senate Bill 1166, Regional Emergency 9-1-1 Services Act, signed by Gov. Henry 5/22/2009
Oklahoma Statewide 911 Advisory Board
Area Volunteer Firefighters, Medical Responders, and Law Enforcement
Hosting Public Meetings To Learn About E-911
Greenville Public School Nov. 17
Turner School Auditorium Nov. 19
Thackerville Public School Nov. 24
Enville Community Center Nov. 30
Marietta School Cafeteria Dec. 3